The People Make the Place

We spent a lot of time recently moving from our office in Panipokhari to Gyaneshwor. The building is about 100 steps from my front door. You heard that right. No more 45-min walking commute, sweating profusely, being confined to sneakers and carrying 20lbs of equipment.

But over the past month, especially this weekend, I've realized how amazing the people I work with are. It's true when they say the people you meet in a place make the place great.

That's exactly how I feel 34 days into my 90-day stay in Nepal. It feels like home. Thanks to them.

We moved into this beautiful building.

We moved into this beautiful building.

We have a culture centered around food. The culture here is to share food. Everyone is so giving. They can be starving, thirsty even, but they would never hesitate to share what they have. I grew up dining with my family and before we even took a bite, we'd offer it to the people around us. It's just something that made us happy — to see the person's eyes light up and take another bite. That made it worth sharing. And I see this happen all. the. time. here in Nepal. And I love it.  

I love the sense of community I get from joining in when the whole office goes out for lunch. It's like part of the work day — to walk down the street, get caught up in conversation, sit down and have a warm meal, and then continue more conversations on our way back. Even when only Nepali is spoken, I don't mind.

If you're still with me, you probably think I'm odd, but these things mean a lot to me. To be in a new place for more than two weeks is an adjustment. It's these little things that mean so much to a person who at first felt left out, or like she didn't belong, to making her now feel so at home.

It's not something you can take a class in. It's not something you can force. It's just something that comes with time. Great people help speed that process along. And that's what happened to me. I've never been out of the states for more than three weeks. I'll be here three months.

And already it's July and it feels like even this month is going to fly by. I am so lucky to be in the position I'm in, meeting wonderful co-workers and telling stories about Nepali change-makers spearheading the way to make Nepal better. I've been editing one of the films I shot last month. It had me thinking. My subject is the type of person whose energy rubs off on you by just being around him. He's the perfect leader for youth to gravitate towards in order to work towards a stronger, more open Nepal. It helps he has good energy and a heart of gold. 

One of our accountapreneur's Basanta Adhikari talks to young people about their next workshop. (June 15, 2016)

One of our accountapreneur's Basanta Adhikari talks to young people about their next workshop. (June 15, 2016)

Side note: This is off-topic, but I saw Legend of Tarzan in 3D down the street from where I live. First movie in Nepal. The subtitles were even in 3D. How exciting is that? Anyways, yeah celebrated Fourth of July by getting lunch with some co-workers, trying Jhol chicken momos. Delicious by the way.

And then a movie and ice cream. Not a bad holiday. And don't worry, I got my fill of firework displays, smothering my social media feeds. So, I was good on that. If you're interested in my thoughts on Tarzan, let me know and I'll give you my full review, as always. 

Thanks for reading guys. I love that you're interested in what I'm up to over here. I wish I could say everything I have to say in this, but I have to keep it concise. I don't want to bore you.

Any thoughts on what I should focus on in the next post?